JemCon 2019: Believe in Buffalo

JemCon 2019 was held in Buffalo, New York, within easy driving distance of Niagara Falls and the Canadian Border. Before the Con, many attendees enjoyed nearby attractions such as Niagara Falls, the “Maid of the Mists” ride and the Hard Rock Café.

Special Guests in 2019 included talented Singer, Song-writer Ellen Bernfeld (the singing voice of Pizzazz), Ruth Bush (Hasbro packaging artist and designer) and Sophie Campbell (IDW Jem comic artist and a major creative force in the next-gen Jem universe).

The Con featured a show room with fun and imaginative Jem-themed displays and a vendor room with collectibles of all types. The charity in 2019 supported a local no-kill cat adoption group. Workshops in 2019 included “New Wave”: Behind the Scenes of the Jem movie, “Permanent Wave”: How Jem shaped our world view, panels featuring our special guests discussing behind the scenes Jem memories and much more.

  • Sophie Campbell - Comic Book Artist

    Special Guests